Sunday, September 12, 2010

New Beginings...

So I have decided to make a change... I know its going to be difficult, but I know it is something that I need to try to do.

I'm going to try and blog at the end of every night either on here or video and I'll share the link via YouTube...

I guess I should tell you what I'm doing....

Starting tomorrow... I'm going to walk one hour everyday... (more if Sarah & I can do it)

Also... I'm cutting frozen, canned, and jarred food out of my (and kids) diet....
I want to make this live-able. So we are keeping jarred and canned foods like pickles, ketchup, mayo, mustard, etc. (and beef and chicken broth)

And we are keeping ice cream, jello, and pudding.

We'll be removing "heavier" meats out of our diet (beef & pork)... we'll almost be considered Pescatarians... but i want to be able to eat eggs and (chicken and turkey on occasions)

I know its pretty impossible to cut out all "can" and "jar" items from out lives... there isn't enough time in the day to make all those things.

Cutting out all fast food... only dine in places maybe once or twice a month.

so all chips and snacks out...

I wonder if I'll go through a withdrawal period... lol

oh and as far as drinks go... Only water(letting kids have the crystal lite stuff), milk, juice, and tea (on occasion)

I pray that I can keep this habit and become a healthier person for me and my kids....

well at least this should be entertaining... lol...

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