Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day Nine

so its been over a week... i broke down an had a soda today only one can though... I do notice the way i feel  and have felt since i cut out all the processed food... I've been more tired.... and i run out of energy... and much of it has to do with what food i had eaten... its tough... and expensive... and it really shouldn't be this expensive...

I've been so busy with the boys and school... but i have been walking with Sarah and will start riding my bike this week.

must sleep now.... ^_^

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day Two

Today was tougher... i found myself not feeling full or satisfied with what i was eating... I was also extremely tired and had to take a nap this afternoon. I don't know if its because of the diet or if its something else... But i surely don't think i'm going to be able to blog every day... so every few days or i may do it weekly... not sure..

going to walk with Sarah B again tomorrow and I hope to buy my bike soon :)

its late...

tomorrow is a new day... i must stay positive.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Day One

I did make some videos but i've been running around like a mad woman... should edit and be up soon....it has been a success... not easy but its done and over... now for day two...
I'm super tired and going to keep this short... *hugs* and thanks guys for all the support

Sunday, September 12, 2010

New Beginings...

So I have decided to make a change... I know its going to be difficult, but I know it is something that I need to try to do.

I'm going to try and blog at the end of every night either on here or video and I'll share the link via YouTube...

I guess I should tell you what I'm doing....

Starting tomorrow... I'm going to walk one hour everyday... (more if Sarah & I can do it)

Also... I'm cutting frozen, canned, and jarred food out of my (and kids) diet....
I want to make this live-able. So we are keeping jarred and canned foods like pickles, ketchup, mayo, mustard, etc. (and beef and chicken broth)

And we are keeping ice cream, jello, and pudding.

We'll be removing "heavier" meats out of our diet (beef & pork)... we'll almost be considered Pescatarians... but i want to be able to eat eggs and (chicken and turkey on occasions)

I know its pretty impossible to cut out all "can" and "jar" items from out lives... there isn't enough time in the day to make all those things.

Cutting out all fast food... only dine in places maybe once or twice a month.

so all chips and snacks out...

I wonder if I'll go through a withdrawal period... lol

oh and as far as drinks go... Only water(letting kids have the crystal lite stuff), milk, juice, and tea (on occasion)

I pray that I can keep this habit and become a healthier person for me and my kids....

well at least this should be entertaining... lol...